Emma Houghton


We asked Emma...

Who are you and what do you do? I’m a tale of 2 halves – I love the professional side of work but at home, I love outdoors and exploring in flip flops!

What do you like about working for Prestige Recruitment Group? The people and the fact we can concentrate on client and candidate relationships.

What would your last meal be? A burger with Brie and Bacon no question.

What is your favourite film? Any Pitch Perfect film.

What is your most listened to music track? Proud Mary, definitely a dance floor favourite and I’ve been known to belt it out in the car (with the windows up).

What is one item you couldn’t live without if you were stranded on a desert island? Vodka.

What past or present famous person would you like to meet? The Rock…..

What is your favourite place on earth? The beach, one day I want to sell hats and serve rum from a coconut and live on the beach.

What is your favourite ice-cream flavour? Peanut Butter.

Who is your favourite superhero? Tony Stark.

Who is your favourite cartoon character? Rescue Bots!

Are you a morning or night person? I’m all day person.

If you could teleport, where would you go?  A yacht sailing the Caribbean with the Rock.

Who is your most inspirational person? That’s a tough one, there’s quite a few but it will be someone who knows what they want and can achieve it whilst treating people how they would want to be along the way.

Describe yourself in 4 words. Fun Loving family Gal.


Colette Smith​​


Edward Ball