Colette Smith​​

We asked Colette...

Who are you and what do you do? I’m a recruitment consultant for the Warrington branch finding people permanent jobs within the business support sector

What do you like about working for Prestige Recruitment Group? The team are really lovely, very supportive and are passionate about what they do

What would your last meal be? I love any Chinese food, hoisin duck and pancakes are a particular favourite! 

What is your favourite film? Any Romcom or 80’s classic such as Cocktail or Pretty Woman

What is your most listened to music track? I love listening to anything from a dance floor filler to a good power ballad 

What is one item you couldn’t live without if you were stranded on a desert island? My phone (hopefully the desert island has Wi-Fi)

What past or present famous person would you like to meet? Alan Sugar

What is your favourite place on earth? Anywhere hot and sunny with a lovely beach!

What is your favourite ice-cream flavour? Pistachio

Who is your favourite superhero? Spiderman

Who is your favourite cartoon character? Scooby doo

Are you a morning or night person? Morning

If you could teleport, where would you go? Barbados

Who is your most inspirational person? My Husband, Andy

Describe yourself in 4 words. Caring, hardworking, reliable and honest


Angela Clayton


Emma Houghton