Gosia Walendzik

We asked Gosia...

Who are you and what do you do?  I am a recruitment consultant and I manage the temporary desk.

What do you like about working for Prestige Recruitment Group? Everything, but especially people. We all help each other and look after one another, feels like family. I think we are a great bunch!

What would your last meal be? Pizza! Or Bigos. Or my moms beef rolls. Or shredded duck! Or fillet steak with homemade fries? Hmmm, decisions, decisions!

What is your favourite film? Too many to list! I do like Sci Fi.

What is your most listened to music track? Again, too many to list!

What is one item you couldn’t live without if you were stranded on a desert island? My family

What past or present famous person would you like to meet? Not famous, but – my late grandparents.

What is your favourite place on earth? Any beach on a warm, sunny day

What is your favourite ice-cream flavour?  Peanut butter 😊

Who is your favourite superhero? Sienna Nealon from “Girl in the Box” books by RJ Crane

Who is your favourite cartoon character? Rick and Morty

Are you a morning or night person? A Night person, definitely! I love my sleep.

If you could teleport, where would you go? Travel all over the world, there are so many places I would love to see! My top one is Japan. Plus, would be nice to travel to Poland to see my family as and when I wanted.

Who is your most inspirational person? I am inspired by a lot of normal people I meet every day. 

Describe yourself in 4 words. Creative, loving, caring, funny.


Sonia Idris​


Tim Percy