Top Tips for Starting a Career in Fashion

Top Tips for Starting a Career in Fashion

There is no denying that the fashion industry is absolutely massive – and it’s only going to continue to grow. Fast-paced, exciting and forever changing, fashion can be a nerve-wracking industry to break into and so Prestige Recruitment Group have listed some questions you NEED to ask yourself before you start your new career!


What Area Of Fashion Do You Want To Work In?

As the fashion industry is absolutely huge, there are so many different departments and areas you can work in. The first thing you should do before you start actively job seeking is to have a think about what exactly it is that you want to do. You can work in any area of the industry you want to – whether that’s in photography, styling, merchandising, buying or designing! Once you have decided on the area you want to work in, you can gather the experience and knowledge needed for that particular career path. It also means you can create a specialised and specific CV, which is preferred over generalised, broad ‘I love fashion’ CV’s.


How Creative Is Your CV?

Talking of CV’s, it is important to remember that the fashion sector of the working world is incredibly creative. In order to match this, you should tailor and format your CV in a creative way. Although some companies may prefer your standard, run-of-the-mill CV, you should ensure that you do your research beforehand. If the company is artistic, imaginative and innovative, match their company culture and send in a CV that is formatted differently and looks a little more unique. Within the fashion industry, risks are more likely to pay off. Just remember, if you’re going for a creative job, chances are that your employer is going to be looking for creativity in everything that you do.


Do You Have Enough Work Experience?

With fashion being such a competitive industry, it can be difficult to find internships within the industry. Unfortunately however, experience is necessary to bagging your first job, so the best thing you can do is get some. The good thing about fashion being such a massive industry is that there are tonnes of companies, businesses and shops that are fashion based. You should reach out to as many companies as you can in order to get some much-needed experience – and remember, you might not get if you don’t ask! No experience is bad experience, so if you end up bagging a sales assistant job in a fashion shop, make it the most worthwhile experience you can. Ask management if you can help out with visual merchandising or with how the store looks, as all of this will look great on your CV.


How Persistent Are You?

With the fashion industry being so competitive, it can be easy to lose motivation if you are rejected for vacancies. The important thing to remember is that you need to stay enthusiastic and persistent. Every single bit of experience is good experience – so take what you can get and make it the best it can possibly be. If you get rejected, ask for feedback and adjust accordingly. Networking is also important – so go out and talk to people. Individuals who already work within the fashion industry are your best asset – they can give you advice, help and may even be able to offer you work experience. Don’t be afraid to reach out to people and gather information about their experiences in order to build a more specific and realistic set of goals for yourself.


Have You Prepared Your Portfolio?

Whatever you do, whether it’s blogging about fashion or doing visual merchandising, take pictures and screenshots in order to build up your portfolio. If you are aiming to work within the fashion industry, chances are that you’re going to be a creative and so a portfolio is going to be mandatory. Make sure you take photographs of everything you do as and when you are doing it – and add it straight to your portfolio. That way, if someone asks to see it, you’ve already got it prepared. Make sure that your portfolio illustrates your unique style and reflects who you are as an individual.


Are You Up To Date With Trends?

If you are planning on working with the fashion industry, it is vital that you are up to date with current fashion trends and styles. You can keep your knowledge up to date by checking out fashion blogs and following influential people within the industry. Social media platforms such as Instagram are a great way to see what people are wearing and where they are wearing it.


So if you love fashion, be sure to check out our other blog 'The Top Fashion Events to Look Out For in 2018' and let us know what events you're planning on attending this year! 



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