Finding a New Job? - It's Time To Clean Up Your Social Media Presence
You do know potential employees will check? Don't you?
According to a 2017 report by 'The Muse,' one in three employers has rejected candidates based on something they found out about them online. YouGov a UK based research agency revealed also in 2017 that a huge 36% of UK employers rejected candidates based on their social media profiles. Since then we can only see social media background checking is much more prolific than ever. I think it is safe to say if you are applying for a job in 2021 you will be checked. In fact, in a recent article by Total Jobs, they outlined some real-world cases where candidates were rejected because of their social media. With all this in mind, it is imperative that you look at all the information surrounding your social media presence.
Your Social Profile - a Double-Edged Sword
Today with all the available social media platforms, it allows us to stay more connected than ever. But, this also allows potential employers the opportunity to research more about us, sometimes more than we would like them to know! Research shows that most job seekers have a social network presence of some kind. 'Career Savvy,' explains that this is a perfect resource for a potential employer to do extensive research into you and your character. The only problem is, most social profiles are not put together with the intention of wowing a future employer!
Employers are researching candidates online as it allows them instantly to see if potential employees present themselves professionally, fit their company culture and have the right qualifications. All this and you haven't even been offered an interview yet!
Precious Seconds
On average people spend just 5.7 seconds looking at your profile. But I think we can guarantee potential employers will take more time than this! When employers are on your social sites, they do not want to see any negativity regarding previous employers and definitely NO inappropriate content. If it looks like you could be a potential for their position they may delve much deeper into your profiles. How do you deal with all this? Well, follow our 'Let's get our image right' and our '12 Must Do's and we think you will be on the right road!
Let's Get Our Image Right
A picture is worth a thousand words, and bearing in mind the 5.7 seconds viewing time, let's get the first thing they see right! Make sure your profile picture is appropriate. Then take a close look at your profile settings, if they are set to public then make sure the whole of your profile gives a positive impression. To do this follow our '12 Must Do's below, then look at all your social media platforms and make sure they apply to them all. If any of them fall outside of these guidelines, consider setting the profile to private. The private profile settings can help make sure that prying eyes will not get the wrong idea of you as a person. You can also go dark by using an alternative avatar so you can't be traced, but if there is nothing about you on the internet this may look suspicious to employees too! Make your profile work for you by refining those areas that can be publicly viewed, this will go a long way to helping your career prospects.
The 12 Must Do's to Start Cleaning Up Your Social Media Profile
1- We have just gone over it, but here it is again! Ensure your profile picture reflects an appropriate image!
2- Curate those selfies, have the same professional standard for any additional images or videos found in your feeds.
3- Untag yourself from inappropriate friends feed photos. Your friends may find these photos funny, but they could spell bad news for you when looking for a new job!
4- Make sure your Bio and any general information sounds interesting, representational, is accurate and up to date.
5- Check for any spelling mistakes and grammar errors. The YouGuv survey found that 56% of employers would not hire if someones social media posts regularly show simple errors.
6- The YouGuv survey also found that a recruiter’s number one social media red light is swearing. 75% of employers said bad language would discourage them from hiring someone, so make sure your profiles are cleaned up!
7- Let your personality shine, be positive and friendly.
8- Curate your profile to show integrity and responsibility, do you have a personal blog? Check it over as a potential employer may take a look!
9- Highlight any professional projects, these are interesting and helpful to an employer.
10- Show you have great communication skills, this is a great asset to have, so implement it in your online actions.
11- Maybe communicate things that match the company culture of potential companies you are looking to join.
12- Check out any user names related to any of your profiles, VodkaShotNight301 will not go down well!
So You Have it Covered Then?
OK, so you think you have yourself covered? But, don't stop there, we have one last thing! Do a google search on your name, your name and location, your name and profession, and your name and job title. You will be amazed how you think you have it all sorted, only to find something from way back is hiding just ready to trip you up! Think about if you were running your own company and you really needed to get the right person on board. How would you research someone? Put yourself in an employer's mindset and search all avenues and you won't go too far wrong!
Go the extra mile
Like to go the extra mile? Then why not start a career-related Blog? Starting down the path of becoming a thought leader in your profession can only give you a boost in the job market. Employers will see that you are committed and have a passion for your chosen career path. Now, that can't be a bad thing, can it?
Remember to be diligent with your social media before getting back into the job market, make it work for you and it can make a real difference. Don’t lose a job offer just because you forgot to delete those photos or that comment you made after the VodkaShotNight out you had three years ago!