Company Culture: The Video Series

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If you’ve seen our previous article 'How Do You Create a Happy Workplace Culture?' you’ll know that we are currently running a series of videos on the company culture here at Prestige Recruitment Group.

Here at Prestige, we understand that having a great company culture has a positive effect on the people that work for us. Although nice, we believe company culture is not all about the flashy perks. Culture comes from how the company is run, with directors and managers really setting the stage for the tone of the organisation. It really all starts with the companies values that are a foundation for everything. Core values tend to drive a business and the culture, so getting these right from the start is key to a successful business.

Our first video was from our Birmingham branch and here is our second video from the Wilmslow crew:

If you did miss it, here is our video from the Birmingham office!

Our third instalment comes in the form of an interview with Senior Consultant Hannah Knight. You can see her video here:

Keep your eyes peeled for future videos in our company culture video series!


Is it Time to Rethink the 9 to 5?


What ‘Company Culture’ Means to Us